The South East Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN) is one of three Regional Cancer Networks operating in NHS Scotland.
Cancer Networks underpin the delivery of the Scottish Government’s Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033 (July 2023) along with the Cancer Plan for Scotland 2023-2026 (July 2023), supporting the comprehensive approach to improving patient pathways from prevention and diagnosis through to treatment and post-treatment care.
SCAN brings together cancer professionals from four NHS Boards: Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Fife and Lothian, which hosts the Cancer Centre to work together. The aim is to ensure equitable provision of high quality, clinically effective, patient-centred cancer services for a population of approximately 1.5m people.
SCAN leads on the regional collation and reporting of data and Quality Performance Indicators to support service improvements, to ensure national standards are met and that clinical practice is delivered to an equitable high standard.
Nine Regional Tumour Specific Groups underpin the Managed Clinical Network alongside a range of other professional and specialty groups such as Pharmacy, Chemotherapy, Nursing, Radiotherapy and Lead Clinicians, to drive forward improvements in care and outcomes for patients.
SCAN Clinical Lead: Mr Cameron Martin
SCAN Network Manager: Mrs Nicola McCloskey-Sellar
SCAN Governance Structure, Workplan/Priorities
South East Scotland Cancer Network (SCAN) is part of the wider East Region Regional Planning arrangements, reporting to the Regional Cancer Advisory Group (RCAG). RCAG provides a regional governance role and is responsible for agreeing and overseeing delivery of the SCAN Work Plan and any emerging projects.
Governance arrangements and strategic links are illustrated below: